How to change a baby diaper?

How to change a baby diaper?

Why changing a diaper is important.

Because the baby’s skin is delicate, there are many times of defecation. The baby is like a delicate flower, everywhere should be careful care, so when we take care of the baby, to observe the baby’s every move, especially when the baby should change the diaper, must be timely, and in the change of time, also want to pay attention to ways to avoid bringing discomfort to the child. In addition, when choosing diapers, you don’t have to choose expensive ones, but mainly suitable for the baby.

Even if the quality of diapers is good, but if the replacement is not timely, it will make the child’s skin diaper rash, and the baby in the activity, the diaper will also shift with the baby’s activity, resulting in the baby’s skin is scraped by the diaper, so parents should observe the baby’s diaper, the change must be timely replacement.

Except for the diaper problem. The diet of newborn babies is all on breast milk, so the number of defecation is also more, and the stool contains a lot of uric acid, this uric acid is irritating, if it is accumulated in the baby’s diaper for a long time, it will make the baby’s skin allergic rash, ulceration, reddening. If serious, there may be organ infection of the baby, so when the child defecation, especially after the stool, parents must change the diaper in time.

Steps to changing a diaper:

Gather supplies

Place your baby on the floor, bed, or small table to make it feel comfortable and secure. It should be noted that parents should always use their hands to protect the baby’s body so as not to fall. Have clean diapers, diaper pail, skin care wipes, and hip cream ready before changing diapers. And parents should clean their hands.

Clean baby’s bottom

Hold the baby’s two ankles with one hand and gently lift them up. With the other hand, fold the dirty diaper in half under the baby’s bottom, with the clean side facing up, to prevent the baby’s dirty bottom from dirty the clean diaper to be replaced below.

Use baby wipes, cloth, or gauze to clean the front of the baby. If the baby is a girl, take care to wipe from front to back (toward the butt), which will help prevent bacterial infections.

If the baby potty, take another wipes, wipe his bottom. You can rub him by lifting his legs up or gently turning him to his sides first and then rubbing him again. Pay attention, be sure to clean the baby’s lap and hip creases.

When you’re done, let your baby’s bottom air dry, or pat it dry with a clean cloth.

Apply rash cream (if needed)

To treat or prevent diaper rash, you can apply diaper rash cream or Vaseline to your baby. The best way to fight diaper rash, though, is to keep your baby’s bottom dry. So, you should always check the baby’s diaper, timely replacement.

Put on a new diaper

Remove the dirty diaper, set it aside, and put a new diaper under the baby’s body. Pull the front of the new diaper up to cover the baby’s stomach. If the baby is a boy, make sure his penis is flushed down so he is less likely to pee on his diaper. If your baby is a newborn, be careful not to cover his umbilical cord stump with diaper until it dries and falls off. You can buy diapers that are designed to leave the cord stump exposed, or you can fold the edge of a regular diaper down a bit.

Pay attention to make the diaper between the baby’s legs as flat as possible, so that the baby as comfortable as possible. If the diaper is huddled and wrinkled there, the baby will be uncomfortable, and the skin may be bruised.

Tape the waist tape at both ends of the diaper securely. But also be careful not to too tight, so as not to squeeze the baby. At the same time, be careful not to let the waist stick to the baby’s skin.

Wash your hands

Wash hands thoroughly. If you can’t wash under the tap, use hand rub. Now that it’s all done, you can play with the baby.


These five steps are a great way to help parents change their baby’s diaper. When they notice that the baby is defecating or urinating, they need to change the diaper in time. At the same time, they need to dry the bottom to avoid bacteria.

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